We would like to thank our shareholders and customers for their unwavering support and pledge to be a global company that you can be proud of.
To our esteemed shareholders and customers:
As Korea’s first modern company with 124 years of history, Doosan has gone through many changes and significant growth over the years. Toward the end of the 1990s, we started to make bolder, innovative moves to completely reshape ourselves at an unprecedented rate, and have achieved remarkable growth.
Based on our solid business portfolio, Doosan has delivered robust and healthy growth. We keep a close watch on changing market trends to identify new growth engines. Furthermore, we are committed to achieving innovation and technology excellence, which will give us a strong competitive edge in the market and help us take our next great leap forward.
Doosan People impose no limits to our aspirations and possess true tenacity and drive, and therefore have the capability to utilize every available means to achieve our goals. Based on our people-oriented management philosophy, Doosan will lead the way to a brighter future for the company.
Doosan’s focus on maximizing our shareholder value will remain firm. After switching to a holding company structure, Doosan has achieved greater transparency and stability in governance structure. We strive to establish a board-centric model of corporate governance throughout the entire corporation, including the holding company as well as all of its subsidiaries.
Even at this very moment, all of our employees from around the world do their utmost to maximize corporate value and deliver customer satisfaction, as we strive to become “Proud Doosan that prioritizes the growth of its people and business.”
For a company with over 100 years of history, we also believe that it is our obligation to set good examples for others to follow and thereby have faithfully fulfilled our corporate social responsibilities.
We are here today thanks to the confidence and trust our shareholders and customers have in us. Our objective is to become a company that every shareholder and customer can be proud of. That is a commitment we solemnly pledge to all of you.
Thank you.
Chairman and CEO of Doosan Group Jeongwon Park
Jeongwon Park
Chairman and CEO, Doosan Group
B.A., Business Administration, Korea University
MBA, Boston University, USA
1985 Joins Doosan Corporation
1994 Director, Oriental Brewery
1999 Vice President and CEO, Doosan Corporation
2001 President and CEO, Doosan Corporation
2005 Vice Chairman, Doosan Industrial Development Company (Currently Doosan E&C)
2007 Vice Chairman, Doosan Corporation
2009 Chairman, Doosan E&C
2009 Owner, Doosan Bears (present)
2012 Chairman, Doosan Corporation
2016 Chairman and CEO, Doosan Group (present)
Geewon Park
Vice Chairman, Doosan Group
B.A., Business Administration, Yonsei University
MBA, New York University
1988 Joins Oriental Brewery
1997 Director, Doosan Corporation
1999 Executive Director, Doosan Corporation
2001 Executive Vice President of the Corporate Center, Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction
2007 President & CEO, Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction
2009 President & COO (Chief Operating Officer), Doosan Corporation
2012 Vice Chairman, Doosan Corporation
2012 Vice Chairman & CEO, Doosan Enerbility
2016 Vice Chairman, Doosan Group (present)
2016 Chairman & CEO, Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction (Currently Doosan Enerbility) (present)
Minchul Kim
President and CFO, Doosan Corporation
Unho High School, North Chungcheong Province/ B.A., Business Administration, Sogang University
1989 Joins Doosan
2006 Vice President, Doosan Corporation
2011 Senior Vice President, Business Strategy at Doosan Corporation
2018 Executive Vice President and CFO (Chief Financial Officer), Doosan Corporation
2019 Executive President and CFO (Chief Financial Officer), Doosan Corporation (present)
Hongsung Moon
President, Doosan Corporation
B.A., Economics, Seoul National University
M.A., Policy Studies, Seoul National University
Ph.D., Economics, University of Missouri, USA
1989 International Finance, The Ministry of Economy and Finance (The 31st of the Public Administration Examination)
2000 IMF (The International Monetary Fund)
2003 Presidential Secretariat, The Ministry of Economy and Finance, The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Strategy & Finance Committee
2010 Strategic Support Office of Doosan Corporation Holdings Division
2016 CEO, DBRI(Doosan Business Research Institute)
2019 CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), Doosan Corporation Holdings Division
2021 CBO (Chief Business Officer), Doosan Corporation (present)